Another word for many years sentence in prison
Another word for many years sentence in prison

another word for many years sentence in prison
  1. Another word for many years sentence in prison for free#
  2. Another word for many years sentence in prison trial#
  3. Another word for many years sentence in prison series#

▪ Many of the group’s leaders have now been jailed. To put someone in prison for a fixed period of time - used especially in newspaper reports :

Another word for many years sentence in prison for free#

▪ When they called for free elections, the government threw them all in jail. ▪ The court’s decision suggests that it is OK to throw pregnant women in jail just because they are addicted. To put someone in prison - use this especially when you think that someone does not deserve to be in prison : ▷ throw somebody in jail /ˌθrəʊ somebody ɪn ˈdʒeɪl/ ▪ Locking up more criminals has helped to reduce the crime rate and produce safer streets. ▪ It costs $23,000 a year to lock up an adult. ▪ Rapists deserve to be locked up for the rest of their lives. To put someone in prison - use this especially when you think that someone deserves to be in prison : ▪ The judge sent him to jail for seven years. ▪ Eventually, her attacker was caught and put in prison. To officially order someone to be taken to prison and kept there : ▷ put somebody in prison/jail also send somebody to prison/jail /ˌpʊt somebody ɪn ˈprɪz ə n, ˈdʒeɪl, ˌsend somebody tə ˈprɪz ə n, ˈdʒeɪl/ ▪ Kevin, who had been abandoned by his mother, had been in and out of detention centres all his life. ▷ detention centre British /detention center American /dɪˈtenʃ ə n ˌsentəʳ/ Ī place where young people who have done something illegal are kept, because they are too young to go to prison : ▪ The prison cells have doors of heavy steel. ▪ Conditions were poor, and there were several prisoners to one cell. ▪ the abandoned federal penitentiary on Alcatraz IslandĪ small room in a prison or police station, where someone is kept as a punishment : ▪ The murderer served 10 years at the penitentiary in Stillwater. ▷ penitentiary /ˌpenɪˈtenʃəri, ˌpenəˈtenʃəri/ AmericanĪ large prison for people who are guilty of serious crimes : ▪ The riots ended with long jail terms for 338 mobsters. ▪ Grover got caught for not paying his taxes and went to jail. ▪ The strikers were harassed, beaten and put in jail for trespassing. ▪ 58% of prisoners are in jail for non-violent crimes. ▪ Alfassi was taken to a cell in the Los Angeles County jail. ▪ This old building is the jail that Butch Cassidy escaped from in 1887.

Another word for many years sentence in prison trial#

▪ Clayton will be released on Tuesday after serving seven years, prison officials said.Ī prison, or similar smaller building where prisoners who are waiting for a trial are kept : Prison officials/conditions/regulations etc ▪ When he was released from prison, Mandela was interviewed in Zambia. ▪ The prosecuting lawyers say that Price may face life in prison. ▪ Johnson pleaded guilty and was sentenced to five years in prison. ▪ Conditions in the prison were shocking. ▷ prison /ˈprɪz ə n/ Ī large building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime :

another word for many years sentence in prison

the period of time that someone must spend in prison

another word for many years sentence in prison

when someone is kept in a place they do not want to be inĩ. someone who is kept in a place when they do not want to be thereĨ. someone who is in prison as a punishment for a crimeħ. to force someone to stay in a place as a prisonerĦ. to put someone in prison as a punishmentģ. a place where people are kept as punishmentĢ. I will state if I had the discretion, it would not be my sentence.1.

Another word for many years sentence in prison series#

“I accept and respect what the defendant has said about his lack of intent to hurt people, but he made a series of terrible decisions, reckless decisions,” the judge said. Under Colorado law, that was the mandatory minimum sentence the judge could impose for all of the counts Aguilera-Mederos was convicted on. The judge acknowledged the young man didn’t intend for the deadly collision to happen but that he was bound by law to sentence him to no less than 110 years. Charges included vehicular homicide, first-degree assault, attempted first-degree assault, careless driving causing death, vehicular assault, and reckless driving. Prosecutors pointed out he could have used one of the several runaway truck ramps off I-70, a point sister station CBS Denver reports the jury used as a factor when convicting Aguilera-Mederos on 20+ counts. I ask God too many times, ‘Why them and not me? Why did I survive that accident?’” he told the courtroom at his sentencing.

Another word for many years sentence in prison